Schematic Capture : Various Exports (BOM, Netlist, etc.)

Printing Schematics

The following will explain the operation for printing created schematics.

Item Content

Printing Schematics

Prints the schematic currently displayed in the design work area.
It is possible to print all sheets in a project, and to select a sheet for printing by placing or removing checks under Print Target.

Batch Output

Batch Output is a function for handling processing of all finishing work for schematics such as exporting of Netlists and BOMs, and printing.
The settings can be saved, so once batch output settings have been configured, exporting of Netlists and BOMs, and printing, etc.,
when releasing a schematic can be performed with a single click.


Print Screen Details

Item Content


Configures printer settings for export targets.
To print a PDF, select a PDF Writer (Cute PDF and Primo PDF, etc.).
To print a Tiff, select a Tiff Writer (TiffWriter,etc.).
* Company names, product names, and service names described are the Trademark or Registered Trademark of the respective companies.

Printer Advanced Settings

Configures detailed settings for the selected printer.

Number of Copies

Specifies the Number of Copies. For project print, this is the total print number.


Sets the paper size for printing.

Fit to paper

Scaling is adjusted so that it automatically fits to the paper size.


Printing is performed according to the specified scale.

Fit to Drawing Frame Size

Printing is performed according to the drawing frame size.
When Macro Attribute Frame.PaperSize is specified, it is printed in the specified size.


It is possible to set the offset for the whole drawing position such as when you want to have a larger margin on the left side.
When "Centering" is checked, instead of referencing the offset, the area including all objects is centered for printing.

Print Direction

It is possible to select either "Portrait" or "Horizontal" for the Print Direction.


It is possible to select either "Color", "Grayscale", or "Black and white" as the Color setting.

Show Memo

It is possible to Show/Hide the Memo Layer.

Print Target

It is possible to confirm the sheets that are the Print Target.
Sheets that have a check on the right side are Print Targets.
By clicking, the preview screen is switched.

Print All Sheets in the Project

By placing a check, the schematics in the Project will be shown in Print Target.
It is possible to select a sheet for printing by placing or removing checks under Print Target.

Hide Gate Number

By placing a check, it will be printed with the Gate Number hidden.


Printing Schematics

Prints the schematic currently displayed in the design work area.
The following is the operation for printing the displayed schematic.


Click [File]
=> [Print]

=> The Print dialog opens.

(2) Configure Print Settings.
* For more details, refer to Print Screen Details.
(3) Click "Print"