Quadcept DesignConverter : CR-5000 Board Designer Conversion
Message List
The following will explain the details of messages appearing during conversion.
Message | 詳細説明 |
Some data might be lost because the layer containing data is not assigned. |
Converted a square drill with corner radius into a rectangle drill. |
A rectangle drill with corner radius is converted into a rectangle drill with no corner radius. |
A pad, its center of which is hollowed like a donut pad is converted into a filled pad. |
Converted a thermal pad set as ConnectPad or UnConnectPad into a filled polygon. |
When a pad on the same layer are divided into multiple pads, they are converted into a pad and multiple filled polygons. |
Line objects on a keep out layer are converted into the same-shaped keep out area. |
Because thermal and clearance information are included in the parameters of plane in Quadcept, they are converted into a cutout. |
Angle dimensions are converted into arcs, lines or texts in order to maintain their shapes. |
The arrow shape of a dimension is converted into the "Arrow" shape of Quadcept. |
When the text of a dimension is vertical to dimension angle, it is rotated 90 degrees and become parallel to a dimension. |
The shape of a leader line is changed. A line under a text is deleted. |
Converted dotted lines and chained lines into decomposed lines. |
A dotted line and chained line are divided into multiple lines in order to reproduce its shape. |
Grouped multiple pads on the same coordinates as one padstack. |
Because a clearance error occurs if pads exists on the same coordinates, they are grouped together as a single padstack. |
Converted a text with line break into a single line of text. |
A text with line break is converted into a single line of text with no line break. |
The frame portion of a text is converted into a rectangle object. |
A footprint failed to be saved because there is a problem while saving. |
Merged the outlines of the pads on the same layer in padstacks and converted into one pad. |
If there are multiple pads on the same layer and their outlines are overlapped, they are grouped together as a single padstack. |
If a pad number is empty or overlapped, it is renumbered automatically. |
If there are multiple assembly areas in a footprint, an assembly area is automatically generated in Quadcept. |
Failed to convert the lower height limit of an assembly area. |
The setting of the lower height limit of an assembly area cannot be converted. |
When a pad on the same layer are divided into multiple pads, they are converted into a pad and multiple filled polygons. |
Converted a footprint for Bottom layer into another footprint (footprint name_B). |
If two footprints are set for Top layer and Bottom layer, the footprint for Bottom layer is converted as another footprint (footprint name_B). |
Planes are converted into the "Cutout" style of mesh planes.