How to Register Your Account

To use NET CHANGER, you need to register a free account.
The account also can be used for Quadcept account.

This is how you can register your NET CHANGER account.

How to Register Your Account
You can register your account on the Website.
Go to signin page and click 'Creating new account'.
(1) Click  'Creating  new  account'.
(2) Enter required items and click 'Register'.
(3) The interim registration page appears.

You will receive the information for regular registration in the email address you registered. Please click the URL on the email and complete the registration process.

*If you cannot click it, then copy the URL and paste it in the browser's address bar. (Copy the complete URL address, no single byte space, etc.)

(5) When the regular registration is completed, the NET CHANGER page appears  logged in. 

Please enjoy Netlist ConversionNetlist Comparison.

Please refer to Withdrawal Procedure when you wish to withdraw from the membership.